Special counsel obtains thousands of Giuliani docs

Special counsel Jack Smith has received a collection of materials related to alleged fraud in the 2020 election, which includes documents tied to discredited conspiracies and baseless claims of widespread voter fraud propagated by former Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Previously withheld by former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who asserted their privileged status, these documents were ultimately surrendered to Smith on Sunday, signaling a late stage in the federal investigation into attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

Among the files are sworn affidavits alleging various “irregularities,” purported shoddy statistical analyses claiming “fraudulent activities,” and opposition research concerning a senior Dominion Voting Systems employee.

These documents are crucial to ongoing civil litigation and a federal criminal probe stemming from a voting systems breach in Colorado, CNN reported.

Moreover, the materials provided by Kerik also implicate members of the Trump legal team in efforts to discredit a Dominion Voting Systems executive, a subject now under scrutiny in both civil litigation and a criminal investigation in Colorado.

The package includes a 29-page dossier profiling the executive, Eric Coomer, revealing his anti-Trump sentiments on social media and his professional background with the voting machine company.

The document’s header identifies it as authored by a lawyer in North Carolina for “Hon. Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Trump Legal Team, and Other Associated Attorneys Combatting Election Fraud, 2020 Presidential Election.”

Written by staff