London jury acquits Kevin Spacey of sexual assault charges on his birthday

Kevin Spacey used his charm, humor, and displays of emotion to win over the jury during his sexual assault trial.

He skillfully dropped names of fellow stars and shared stories from his once-celebrated career, while his lawyer vehemently portrayed his accusers as liars and painted Spacey as the true victim.

In the end, Spacey’s performance as a witness in his own defense proved successful as he was acquitted of sexual assault on Wednesday.

This pivotal moment spared him a potential prison sentence and offered him a chance at a career comeback.

When the final “not guilty” verdict was announced, tears streamed down Spacey’s cheeks, the Associated Press reports.

Looking at the jury, he placed his hand over the lapel of his blue suit and pink shirt, and silently mouthed a heartfelt “thank you.” This moment coincided with his 64th birthday.

Speaking outside Southwark Crown Court, a humbled Spacey expressed his gratitude to the jury for thoroughly examining all the evidence and facts before making their decision.

He acknowledged that there was a lot for him to process after the day’s events.

Throughout the trial, three men had accused the Oscar winner of aggressively groping their crotches, describing him as a “vile” and “slippery, snaky” predator.

A fourth individual, an aspiring actor, recounted an incident where he woke up to Spacey performing oral sex on him after falling asleep or losing consciousness in Spacey’s London apartment, where he had gone seeking career advice and sharing a beer.

Written by staff