McConnell Health Alarm: Escorted out after freezing during press conference

During a press conference on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) experienced a sudden moment of being unable to speak, causing concern among his GOP colleagues.

They promptly led him away to ensure his well-being after he couldn’t complete his opening remarks.

However, the skilled political operator, who is highly regarded by his colleagues as one of the most effective in modern history, soon returned to the press conference. He assured reporters that he was “fine” when asked about his health.

Senator John Barrasso (R-Wy.) inquired if McConnell had anything else to add, or if they should proceed back to his office. Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa also checked in, asking, “Are you good Mitch?”

After briefly stepping away, McConnell resumed his position at the press conference. Still, during his temporary absence, Senate Minority Whip John Thune and other GOP leaders took over, Axios has reported.

A McConnell aide later explained that the Kentucky Republican had felt lightheaded and needed a momentary break.

Nevertheless, he swiftly recovered and confidently handled the subsequent Q&A session, demonstrating his sharpness.

Having led Senate Republicans since 2007, McConnell successfully defended his leadership position against a challenge from Senator Rick Scott (R-Fl.) in 2022.

Written by staff