Trump wants to see Biden impeached

Donald Trump is actively pushing for President Joe Biden’s impeachment, and he has found allies among his fellow Republicans in Congress and potential 2024 GOP presidential contenders, all eager to support his cause, especially as Trump faces his own legal challenges.

One of Trump’s main opponents, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, publicly stated that House Republicans have the right to consider an impeachment inquiry against Biden.

Similarly, former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, who is also running for president, expressed that Republicans would be justified in pursuing impeachment, the Associated Press has reported.

GOP leaders in the House, aligned with Trump’s stance, are already preparing for potential action.

Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, a prominent Trump ally and the fourth-ranking House GOP leader, declared that House Republicans will thoroughly investigate the matter.

The focus of this potential impeachment inquiry centers around the business dealings of Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

What initially emerged from the fringes of the GOP’s right flank has now gained mainstream attention within the Republican Party.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy went on Fox News to announce the possibility of opening an impeachment inquiry into Biden, and he elaborated further during a press event at the Capitol.

However, in a closed-door meeting with GOP colleagues on Wednesday, McCarthy emphasized that the impeachment process was in its early stages.

He acknowledged that much is still unknown about Joe Biden’s awareness or involvement in his son’s business deals and whether any of it could be considered an impeachable offense.

Written by staff