China Demands Biden Cave on Taiwan, Tech Restrictions for Meeting with Xi

Photo: Getty Images / Breitbart News (Fair use)

The Chinese Communist Party, through its state media outlets and the Foreign Ministry, is pressing President Joe Biden, who identifies as a leftist, to renounce support for Taiwan and remove restrictions on imports of Chinese technology.

These actions are considered prerequisites for an anticipated meeting between Biden and the authoritarian leader Xi Jinping, scheduled for November.

During a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday, the White House indicated that discussions revolved around the “responsibly managing competition in the relationship” and jointly addressing global challenges.

Several reports suggest that Biden also used this opportunity to extend an invitation to Xi Jinping to participate in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit scheduled for November in San Francisco, California, Breitbart News reported.

On Monday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry informed the press that Wang discussed a potential “forthcoming meeting in San Francisco” between Xi and Biden. However, it was underscored that there is no assurance of Xi’s attendance at the event.

November will signify the one-year anniversary of Xi and Biden’s last in-person meeting, which occurred during the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.

Written by staff