Trump holds wide lead in Iowa; Haley and DeSantis tied for second

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In a poll released on Monday, it was revealed that Former President Trump continues to hold a significant lead among Republican caucus attendees in Iowa.

The NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom survey showed that 43 percent of likely GOP caucus attendees have chosen Trump as their first-choice candidate, giving him a commanding 27-point advantage over his closest competitors.

Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are in a tight race for second place, with each of them garnering 16 percent support among respondents as their top candidate, The Hill reported.

Notably, Nikki Haley has seen a considerable rise in popularity in Iowa, gaining 10 points since August. In August, only 6 percent of respondents had listed Haley as their preferred choice when asked the same question.

The rest of the GOP White House hopefuls are maintaining single-digit levels of support among Iowa caucusgoers.

Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) secured the third spot with 7 percent of respondents choosing him as their first choice.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy are tied for fourth place, each receiving 4 percent support. Doug Burgum and Asa Hutchinson received 3 percent and 1 percent, respectively.

Written by staff