Koch Network Endorses Nikki Haley in Bid to Push G.O.P. Past Trump

Nikki Haley, vying for a strong position in the Republican presidential primary against Governor Ron DeSantis, has secured a significant boost from the political network founded by the Koch brothers.

Americans for Prosperity Action, the endorsing group, outlined its support in a memo on Tuesday, providing organizational support and financial backing as Haley contends with DeSantis for the second spot in Iowa.

As the campaign approaches the final seven weeks leading to the first nominating contest, Haley has experienced a steady rise in polls since the initial Republican primary debate.

The endorsement from the Koch-affiliated network is a substantial development, with the group’s commitment enhancing her prospects, DNYUZ reported.

Despite Donald J. Trump’s continued dominance in the race, Haley has positioned herself as an alternative, distancing herself from Trump’s era.

While Haley has garnered support from donors and approval from influential figures who view her as a viable alternative to Trump, she faces organizational challenges compared to DeSantis.

The super PAC aligned with DeSantis has been actively working throughout the year, giving him a structural advantage.

The endorsement from the Koch-backed super PAC, established by David and Charles Koch, is poised to address this imbalance, as reported by DNYUZ.

It grants Haley access to a range of resources, including a direct-mail operation, fieldworkers for door-to-door outreach, and individuals conducting phone calls to potential voters in Iowa and beyond.

Additionally, the group possesses the financial means to invest in television advertisements, contributing to Haley’s momentum as the campaign intensifies in the weeks leading up to the commencement of voting.

Written by B.C. Begley