GALLUP: Biden third-year job approval worst since Carter

Throughout President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, covering the period from January 20, 2023, to January 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance.

Among presidents in the Gallup polling era elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter faced a lower third-year average, with 37.4% approval during a challenging year marked by soaring gas prices, double-digit inflation, and the Iranian hostage crisis.

Other first-term presidents, such as Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Richard Nixon, also experienced third-year averages below 50%.

Dwight Eisenhower stands out with the highest third-year approval at 72.1%. Biden’s third-year average was lower than both his first year (48.9%) and second year (41.0%).

While these first and second-year averages were better than his third-year, they still ranked as the second lowest for recent presidents, trailing only Trump in both years, Gallup reported.

Biden hit personal lows with a 37% job approval in surveys conducted in April, October, and November of 2023.

Gallup’s most recent job approval rating for Biden, based on a January 2-22 survey, stands at 41%, with 54% expressing disapproval of his job performance.

Since September 2021, following the troubled U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s approval ratings have fluctuated in the high 30s to low 40s.

In contrast, during the initial six months of his presidency, he enjoyed approval ratings at majority levels.

Written by B.C. Begley