Xi promised Biden China wouldn’t interfere in 2024 election

During a crucial meeting in November between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden, Xi assured Biden that China would not interfere in the 2024 US presidential election.

This assurance was reiterated by the Chinese foreign minister to Biden’s national security adviser during a meeting in Bangkok this past weekend, as reported by two individuals familiar with the conversations.

The previously undisclosed exchange occurred during an extensive meeting in California aimed at alleviating historically high military and economic tensions between the two major powers.

According to one source, it was Biden who brought up the issue, and the exchange was characterized as brief.

In the recent meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Bangkok, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan revisited the topic, CNN reported in an exclusive article.

Wang affirmed to Sullivan the same commitment that Xi had conveyed to Biden months earlier — a pledge that Beijing would not interfere in the upcoming American election this fall, as per the source.

Written by B.C. Begley