How Scientists Are Preparing for Apophis’s Unnervingly Close Brush With Earth

In five years, the asteroid Apophis will pass by Earth at a distance closer than 20,000 miles, providing scientists with a unique opportunity for study.

Originally classified as hazardous, further observations have ruled out any immediate threat of impact, offering relief from potential catastrophic consequences.

However, the asteroid’s close proximity still presents a chance for scientific exploration.

Researchers aim to investigate how Earth’s gravitational field might affect Apophis, potentially causing changes to its orientation, composition, and surface.

Private space companies like Blue Origin and Exploration Labs have proposed missions to rendezvous with Apophis before its flyby, aiming to gather valuable data about the asteroid and similar celestial objects.

NASA’s OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft is already en route to study Apophis, repurposed after its mission to Bennu, Gizmodo reported.

Additionally, spare spacecraft from the Janus mission could be redirected to observe Apophis, further enhancing our understanding of this rare celestial event.

With the scientific significance of Apophis’s close approach, more missions may be announced in the future to capitalize on this unique opportunity for research.

Written by B.C. Begley