Trump, Biden, CNN Prep for Hostile Debate

In the upcoming presidential debate, there will be no opening statements. President Biden and former President Trump will each have two minutes to answer questions, followed by one-minute rebuttals.

Visible red lights will signal when their time is nearly up, and microphones will be muted when it is not their turn to speak.

The debate, set for June 27 in Atlanta, will include two commercial breaks during which the candidates cannot consult with their advisers.

This 90-minute debate, sponsored directly by a television network for the first time in over a generation, is considered a crucial event in the 2024 campaign, as Biden and Trump present their contrasting visions for the country, DNYUZ has reported.

Personal animosity between the candidates is evident, with Trump labeling Biden as the worst president in history, and Biden calling Trump a wannabe dictator who threatens democracy.

Written by B.C. Begley