Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election, Colluded with Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

A congressional report released Tuesday concluded that the CIA colluded with the Biden campaign to undermine the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election.

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell acknowledged to Congress that such involvement in the political process by current staff or contractors was inappropriate.

The report highlighted a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials labeling the laptop reporting as “Russian disinformation,” with allegations that Secretary of State Antony Blinken coordinated this narrative for political gain.

A discredited Politico story by CNN’s Natasha Bertrand, which cited numerous ex-intel officials, furthered this misleading narrative.

President Joe Biden referenced this story in a debate to dismiss the laptop’s contents, Breitbart News has reported.

Recent polling indicated that a significant majority of Americans believe accurate reporting on the laptop could have influenced the election outcome.

Written by B.C. Begley