Ayanna Pressley condemns ‘dark money’ in politics after Bowman primary defeat

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) criticized “special interests” like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a threat to democracy following Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) primary defeat by George Latimer.

Pressley, speaking on MSNBC with Joy Reid, condemned the $20 million spent in the race, arguing against allowing special interests, dark money, and super PACs to influence congressional elections.

Latimer, supported by AIPAC with over $14 million, defeated Bowman, marking the nation’s costliest House race, the Washington Examiner has reported.

Bowman, initially seeking distance from anti-Israel rhetoric, later criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza, drawing opposition from AIPAC and others targeting progressive members like Bowman and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO).

Written by B.C. Begley