Outside advisers urging Biden team to focus on Trump, not first-term record

Several prominent Democrats have issued strong warnings to President Joe Biden’s campaign, advising them to focus less on Biden’s policy record and more on directly challenging former President Donald Trump.

According to sources close to the White House, Biden’s policy achievements are failing to resonate with voters, prompting calls for a shift in strategy.

Critics within Biden’s circle, including top Democrats speaking anonymously, urge the campaign to emphasize economic issues during the upcoming debate, criticizing Trump’s ties to corporate interests and his proposed policies’ potential for inflation.

These behind-the-scenes concerns reflect earlier remarks by Biden’s aide Ron Klain, who has been coaching the president for the debate and suggesting a need to connect more effectively with voters, CNN has reported.

Despite Biden’s history of seeking credit for accomplishments, advisors now advocate for a sharper focus on attacking Trump’s record rather than touting Biden’s achievements.

Written by B.C. Begley