Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats into a panic

President Joe Biden’s debate performance was intended to reassure the nation about his physical and mental capacity.

However, at the start of the debate, the 81-year-old struggled to speak clearly, often stumbling over his words and losing his train of thought.

One notable moment was when he mistakenly said, “We finally beat Medicare,” before being cut off by the moderators.

As the debate progressed, Biden found more of a rhythm but had difficulty effectively countering former President Donald Trump.

Trump seized on Biden’s unclear comments, particularly on the border issue, questioning Biden’s understanding of his own statements.

A Biden aide later attributed his hoarse voice to a cold, NBC News has reported.

Aside from his voice, Biden often appeared distant and allowed Trump to dominate the debate, accusing Biden of criminal behavior and misinformation, with Biden occasionally responding with one-liners.

The Biden campaign had hoped the debate would be a pivotal moment, as polls showed a tight race.

Written by B.C. Begley