Chip-scale titanium-sapphire laser puts powerful technology in reach

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking Tilaser on a chip at Stanford University, marking a significant advancement from traditional models.

Typically known for unmatched performance in fields like quantum optics, spectroscopy, and neuroscience, Tilasers are large, cubic feet in size, and costly, often requiring additional expensive lasers for adequate energy supply.

However, the new chip-based prototype is 10,000 times smaller and 1,000 times less expensive than previous Tilasers, promising broader adoption due to its enhanced scale, efficiency, and affordability.

The team is currently refining their chip-scale Tilaser and exploring methods for mass production, aiming to manufacture thousands on wafers simultaneously, the Stanford Report has reported.

Yang, who will complete his doctoral studies this summer based on this research, is focused on commercializing the technology.

Written by B.C. Begley