Korean Robot Throws Itself Down the Stairs to Escape the 9-to-5 Grind

If you’re worried about a robot uprising, there’s one less potential threat. A South Korean office assistant robot at the Gumi City Council has dramatically “died” in what local media call the nation’s first robot suicide.

Appointed in August 2023, this robot was integral to daily operations and even had a civil service officer card. Despite being the pride of the council, the robot apparently became overwhelmed by its thankless job.

It threw itself down a staircase after reportedly “circling in one spot.”

This incident highlights South Korea’s extensive use of robots in workplaces, with about one industrial robot for every ten employees, the Odd News Show has reported.

The exact cause of the robot’s fall is under investigation, but for now, the Gumi City Council is not planning to replace it.

This event underscores the importance of mental health, even for robots.

Written by B.C. Begley